The Gang's All Here!

The Gang's All Here!

Friday, January 17, 2014

A Fresh Start

It's Friday! Sometimes I feel almost (I said almost) guilty about saying that since I'm not working anymore, but I still love the weekends! It's been a busy week here. I managed to make it to the gym two times this week, which is the most I've been since I was pregnant with Stella. January is such a crazy time at the gym because you have all of the "New Years resolution" people, myself included. Although sometimes I feel like shouting, "I'm not actually new, I've been a member here for 7 years! I've kinda had a lot going on the past few years...". The good news is that my membership card still works and didn't immediately burst into flames when I used it. They also have the same treadmills (they were brand new 5 years ago) so I didn't have to worry about figuring out how to operate the damn thing without killing myself. Bonus!

I've also been going through a major purge: every mess/ disorganized/ pile of crap/ old broken toys (which, - we had at least 100 random, broken plastic pieces of god knows what). Steve and I started with the garage on Sunday, it's now relatively organized and decluttered/ junked. I also vacuumed out my car (which was desperately needed after two toddlers and several road trips). On Monday I tackled the land of broken/ outgrown toys. That little task was l-o-n-g overdue, but gosh, it felt good. The kids (meaning, me while they grabbed things out of sorted piles) and I organized and found a place for everything. Almost a week later, I'm happy to say that this little system seems to be working. We'll see how long it lasts...

On Tuesday, both kids were finally back in school, hooray! I reclaimed my kitchen and sorted through the never-ending pile of mail. I reorganized that room too! It's not quite Pottery Barn pretty, but it's much improved. Wednesday led me to the laundry room, aka: room of uncertain death. You literally cannot walk into that room without stepping a shoe, jacket, dog bone etc. So, I figured out a solution to that little issue, and now, the room is a damn work of art. I might even have to call Real Simple in on this one. So, yeah, I'm a little out of control in the cleaning/ organizing department, but I'm desperately trying to get my house into some sort of functioning order! I'll also add that I finally, FINALLY have the energy to do all of this and not feel like I ran 500 miles by 2pm. And that, my friends, is real progress :)

Speaking of progress, this week I have had some absolutely fantastic opportunities come my way. I can't wait to share them with you! I'll let you know more as I have more details. 2014 is really shaping up to be a phenomenal year for us, cheers to that!

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