The Gang's All Here!

The Gang's All Here!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Random Ramblings

I thought I should mention that my iPhone light (the camera flash) is still's only been two months. In case you forgot, I managed to break my phone for the second time while falling down the stairs in July (see the post titled: Because I'm Awesome). I'm not upset, more baffled and somewhat awed. Also, now when on a call, the phone rattles so bad I have to use it on speaker (which ironically, works perfectly). It plays music fine, maybe it's annoyed that it plays the Hot Dog Dance 50 times a day, who knows (Simon is obsessed with this song from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It stops him from crying immediately and he likes to listen to it while eating. Don't ask...). So, yeah, my poor iPhone is totally over me. And no, I won't be getting the new iPhone 5 at this time...

I'm still waiting for most of my shows to start up again. This is really bad because I've been sucked into some totally addicting reality TV. Reality TV is like seeing a car accident on the side of the interstate: you know you should look away but you just can't. Ugh, I can feel myself becoming dumber by the minute watching this stuff, but yet I'm still watching. I won't mention the shows I'm watching but I can promise you it's not that awful Honey Boo Boo trainwreck. As someone who lives in Georgia, I'm completely mortified that this is the perception the rest of the country has of our state.
Just wow.

On that note, I probably should get back to doing something productive, like spending money :). This fall weather is so inspiring for shopping! I am so excited about my new fabulous pair of boots I bought a couple of weeks ago. Yay for fall!

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