Holy Cannoli what a rough few days... We spent Memorial Day weekend at the beach and Hinman Family Compound in South Carolina which was lots of fun. However, upon our return, both kids woke up yesterday with fevers of 104+, completely awesome. I decided to take them both to the doctor even though I figured it was just a summer virus. Trusting the "mommy instincts" is the lesson for this week! Turns out Simon has a raging ear infection and Stella has strep throat. I'm not sure who we ticked off in the universe, but I really think at this point we've delt with our fair share of "crap". Holy Cow!! Steve and I had about two hours of sleep last night and I think the screaming finally died down around 4am?!? Having two really sick kids at one time is definitely no picnic. Why didn't anyone warn us? (I kid, I kid, mostly). The good news is that Stella seems to be feeling much improved this morning and Simon seems to be feeling a little better. Now we'll just keep our fingers and toes crossed that I don't catch strep before Friday. Friday is a red letter day, chemo #6 and more importantly, the LAST one! Wahooooooooooo!
I won't say that time has flown by, but it certainly didn't drag itself out for me these past months. I will be the first person to wish 2012 a swift and hurried adieu! It's a little hard to believe that I'm already on my 6th round of chemo. Maybe it's been more bearable since I haven't really felt too bad. Who knows, but I'm grateful that the time has come to move on. I'm hoping to have some more answers from my oncologist on Friday. I'm anxious to get my surgery scheduled (you know how I feel about my eternal quest for organization and planning!) and start feeling like myself again. No, I haven't been sick, but I've also been running at about 75% which is frustrating.
I hate to cut this entry short, but Simon is determined to not let me sit down today. Poor kid, I know he feels bad, but gosh darn he's even more demanding when he's sick! Just like a man... This momma is ready for a serious drink(s)!
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