The Gang's All Here!

The Gang's All Here!

Thursday, May 17, 2012


It's truly overwhelming to think about the number of people affected by cancer in some way. I continue to be blown away by the sheer number of people who have battled cancer and won! When we particpated in Race For the Cure over the weekend it really hit home just how many people endure this disease, what a wake-up call.

I was out shopping with the kids this morning (retail therapy is the real deal :) ) and I had a lady approach me and she asked if I was battling cancer. While true that some would be bothered by random people asking them very personal questions, I really don't mind. I WANT to talk about cancer. You never know who you might meet or what you might learn. And seeing as I'm a walking advertisement for cancer (hat, no hair, pink bracelet, you get the picture) it's not all that surprising that someone might wonder. Plus, I do live in the south where people really are friendly (unless it's driving, then all bets are off...). Anyway, I'm so glad I had a chance to talk with this lady. She's an 18 month survivor and doing great. I have to tell you, the success stories are so, so, so uplifting. I also find it fascinating how easy it is to connect with other cancer survivors, especially breast cancer. It's like a sorority and the sisterhood runs very deep. She wanted to share her story and to pass along some excellent hair re-growth info, which is awesome. Turns out, we have the same breast surgeon and plastic surgeon. Oh yes, I'm once again just beside myself with the excellent medical care and support I have received. What a great affirmation!

Talking about cancer is not for everyone. For most, it's the toughest, most personal challenge they'll ever face, myself included. Talking about it can make every emotion resurface in the blink of an eye. But for me? Knowledge is power and I never want to stop learning. I may have cancer, but I'm not afraid of it. Talking about my cancer has empowered me and I take pride in that. Attitude is everything and I'm not about to back down from this fight. So, bring it on Kyle, I'm quite good at the smack talk and this Irish girl is a brawler at heart ;)

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