The Gang's All Here!

The Gang's All Here!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

From 0 to 60!

What a difference a day makes!! She's baaaaaaaaack! And perhaps slightly manic, but that's really here nor there... I woke up feeling somewhat recharged and ready to face the day. Of course, that means we HAD to get out of the time to waste when momma's feeling good! I am quite happy with the amount of things I've accomplished today and it's not even 2pm!

I've decided to make baby food for Simon. I made Stella's food and we had great success, so I'm hoping for much the same with Simon (well, I can HOPE at least). So far he's not really been excited about what I've offered him (not that I really blame him, pureed veggies lack a certain amount of appeal) and I honestly think if I gave him a piece of steak or a cupcake he would gobble it down. He loves to watch Stella while she eats. Today I got out the baby food maker (a most wonderful kitchen tool!) and proceeded to make some food to freeze. Stay tuned to see how it goes...

So, I've been busy today. We ran to Buy Buy Baby (LOVE this store!!) to pick up a few things, came home and made some baby food, lunch for Stella and managed to clean up the kitchen. I've caught up on correspondence and somehow managed to find time to watch a show. Dinner is marinating in the fridge and the avalanche of toys are currently being held at bay... I'm sure I'll pay for it later, but it feels nice to get things done!

I forgot to mention the other day something that I think is pretty cool (but I love science and medicine, so don't judge me!). My breast surgeon is presenting my case at Tumor Conference. I have no idea what that is, but doesn't it sound important?!?! As I've mentioned, Inflammatory Breast Cancer is very rare, so it's not everyday that cases are diagnosed. My doctors are encouraged by my response to treatment and are looking to network with other doctors to get second, third and so on opinions. I'm so thrilled to be a part of medicial research and development! I've said from the beginning that if I could help just ONE person (related to getting early treatment or otherwise) then this will all have been worth it. So, yay for Tumor Conference and strange cancers...

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