What is MOTY? Oh, yes, that would be mother of the year. Please know that I am 100% okay with that. The first step is acceptance or something like that. Along with not being MOTY, I (we) also happen to be "Those People" a lot of the time. Who are "Those People"? Oh, for sure you've seen us around. We're the ones with the screaming child on the plane (you know, the ones you glare at because we OBVIOUSLY cannot control our child) or the toddler who wings their drink across the table while laughing hysterically. We are SO "Those People".
First off, I have the WORST time remembering nursery rhymes. I'm not sure what my mental block is there, but I can't ever remember more than a line or two. So, I compromise by singing camp songs to my kids. For whatever reason I remember ALL the words to EVERY song. The kids think it's funny and I guess that's the important thing (I hope?!?!). We may not rock out to Bah Bah Black Sheep or Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in our house but The Birdie Song and Boom Chicka Boom? We're all over it! Simon especially loves The Birdie Song.
In terms of music (and I'm never far from it as I love music) I have to admit that I would rather listen to opera than Baby Einstein. And really, that's saying something because I'm not an opera fan... I like to think that my children are well schooled in pop culture. It's important that they grow up knowing the who's who of Classic Rock people! So, yes, we listen to the radio/ iPod in the car, GASP! Stella really loves to dance to Lady Gaga, especially at stop lights. It would be wrong of me to put a stop to her channeling her inner diva. Simon apprears to be a fan of LMFAO in case you were woondering his preferences...
It's not that I don't watch Stella when we're outside. In fact, I probably watch her too closely. Somehow, she still manages to eat it on the concrete driveway and looks like she was mauled by a tiger. As we all know, it's summer, so she's wearing shorts and skirts with her tiger legs. At least no one's called DFCAS yet... Speaking of DFACS, (in case you're already planning on calling them after reading this little jewel of a blog post) I also let Simon sit in the Bumbo chair on the island. Yes, I am completely "aware" that goes against the safety rules or whatever but seriously, I'm RIGHT there. Plus he loves being part of the action and honestly, if Simon's not screaming, we're rolling with it.
Finally (although truthfully, I could go on for PAGES) is it really THAT bad if Stella has tiger legs or that Simon has god knows what in his hair (I do bathe the child but he's like a magnet for dirt!)? Who knows, but I'm giving it my best shot. I consider it a victory when I finally sit down at night, the kids in bed and no one has ended up on the 11 o'clock news. It makes my glass of wine that much more enjoyable :)
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