It's official, I'm done with chemo! I'm still feeling my post-chemo haze but it's a great feeling to know that I don't have to go down this road again (hopefully never again). Round 6 is pretty much shaping up to be what I'd been told...rough. I woudn't say that I feel any worse than normal, but this round hit almost right away and I'm still reeling a little bit. Oh well, all for the greater good or something like that, right? Luckily my mom was here which was a tremendous help and I caught up on a little rest.
I'd like to say that I've been taking it easy but, well, that's just not the way life works. I met with my oncologist on Friday and we've set the wheels in motion for the next steps. I was told that I'm a "priority" (I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing?!?) and to not take no for an answer. My oncologist was fired up enough that she personally texted the breast surgeon to make sure my surgery is scheduled ASAP. I have some follow-up tests this week and another PET Scan next week. Once all of the testing is complete, I just need to be healthy enough for surgery, which I should be as I've not had any issues so far, KNOCK ON WOOD!
So, for now, I'm going to take it easy and enjoy this stormy afternoon. If I have to deal with even ONE more idiot on the phone or in person today I'm likely to get arrested. I'm a patient person, but I have ZERO tolerance for stupid, in any form. So, yes, BCBS, this would be directed at you and your pathetic, clerical errors. I really don't appreciate being called by multiple doctors offices to inform me that my insurance has been cancelled (all without my knowledge, by the way) when, in fact, my insurance HAS NOT been cancelled. I'm not afraid to pull the cancer card and give a piece of my mind (even if on fact, it might be more entertaining)! I'm also going to fantasize about what the world will be like when I'm in charge and running things. It can only be an improvement, right?
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