Hello! Long time no chat. I had actually planned on updating the blog yesterday before my surgery, but the hospital had a cancellation and asked me to come in earlier. Seeing that my original time wasn't scheduled until 2pm (with no food or drink after midnight) I jumped on the chance to move things up. Fatty's got to eat!
My surgery went very well and I'm feeling good. This was a much less complicated surgery and I was able to come home yesterday. I was so thankful to be able to sleep in my own bed! I haven't even taken any pain meds this go round, so hopefully things stay that way. I'm not in any pain, just a little sore, which I can totally handle. In terms of functionality, I'm sure I should be resting, but well, I have two toddlers, a husband and two insane dogs. Chaos will always reign supreme in this house.
So, let's see, yesterday could have qualified for Trashtastic Thursday. While yes, everything went smoothly with my surgery, the rest of the day did not. When the hospital called to move up my surgery, I was actually already there, having a routine ECHO (I'm required to do these every 3 months while on Herceptin). But, I couldn't just walk over the surgery center because that would mean we had two cars at the hospital and I wasn't allowed to drive myself home, for obvious reasons. So, I drove home, quickly showered (this was a requirement, because I wasn't sure when I'd be allowed to shower next!) and then Steve and I headed back to the hospital. The kids both had school yesterday, so the plan was for him to get me situated, run back and pick the kids up, then come back to the hospital to pick me up. All plans sound so good, in theory. Of course, nothing ever goes to plan. On the way to pick up the kids, Steve was in a car accident. Luckily, he's mostly okay (a little whiplash, possibly a slight concussion) unlike his car. Thankfully, he was not at fault, he was rear-ended at a red light. But, given that Steve drives a smaller car and he was rammed by an F-150 pick-up, his car took the brunt of the damage. So, then he had to run home, switch cars and pick up the kids. Upon picking Simon up, Steve was told that Simon had bitten someone...what?!?! Simon has NEVER done that. I'm still horrified and baffled that he did that. Is it too early for Military school? Biting is completely unacceptable in m book. Such a lovely day, all around.
We had an interesting trip to Virginia last week. My apologies for not calling anyone to get together, I had two sick kids the ENTIRE time, so my hands were full. Two trips to urgent care, loads of antibiotics and I was ready to pull what little hair I have out of my head. My parents were troopers for putting up with that disaster. However, we did have a nice Thanksgiving dinner and time spent with family.
Given that Thanksgiving was late this year (so late, right?!?!), the kids and I spent all day Monday decorating. That should really be translated to: they "helped" while I redecorated the tree 20 times. We decided to put up our fake tree this year, given Murphy's love of consumption of plants and trees. I also made a game-time decision to only hang plastic ornaments. Wow, that was a good call on my part. Between dog tails and toddler hands, it's been a constant battle keeping the ornaments on the tree. The kids also have a Little People nativity play set that they've enjoyed playing with. I've been making an attempt to have them learn the names, but it's been an exercise in humor and bad pronunciations. Stella kept telling me that Murphy stole "Baby Cheese" (that's toddler for Baby Jesus) off the table. Poor Baby Cheese, it's going to be a long couple of weeks for him :).
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