We somehow managed to survive the rainy weekend. By rainy weekend, I mean it literally rained from Friday night until Monday morning. I was very close to losing the very few marbles I have left. On Saturday we ventured to the library. Steve had a few books he wanted to check out and I agreed to take the kids to the children's wing thinking we could find some books to bring home as well. He promised me he would be "10 or 15 minutes". I really, really should have known better, having been married to the man for over seven years, that "10 or 15 minutes" in Steve speak is more like 30 - 45 minutes. Anyway, the kids were absolutely enthralled with the vast selection of books and bright colors. For about 10 minutes. After that, I was starring in my own version of hell on earth. Obviously I have toddlers and I know that they struggle (and by struggle, I mean completely don't understand) with the concept of "quiet voices". After the 63rd time of telling Stella to keep her voice down in five minutes, I realized my error in taking both kids by myself. They were pacified only by ripping books off the shelves and tossing them on a table. My OCD self was nearly hysterical trying to reshelf the books correctly while keeping up with the hooligans. After a while (let's say 6 minutes), I cried uncle and guilty just stacked the books as neatly as I could. Then began the wild chase through the shelves to find Simon. He thought it was hilarious in case you were wondering. When I did catch him and pick him up, he screamed as loud as humanly possible. After the third attempt at picking him up/ banshee screaming, I was getting "the look" from the librarians. I was completely mortified so naturally, I stormed back upstairs to find my totally relaxed, innocent husband engrossed in his search. I didn't use my library voice when I announced that we had to leave RIGHT BLOODY NOW.
Our house looked like a bad made for TV movie by late Sunday afternoon. Crap (by crap I mean toys, both child and dog, along with shredded up pieces of Murphy's latest kill which is usually a paper product of some sort) was strewn everywhere. At 5pm, I decided enough was enough and made a command decision to park the kids in front of the TV for a bit. Try not to be jealous of my amazing parenting skills. I went to pull up a show for the kids to watch from the DVR. Of course the ENTIRE system chose to freeze at that exact moment. Why is it that any technology I attempt to use only freaks out when I desperately need it? So, I called in Steve to help me out (by the way, this had already happened earlier in the day as well). Darn it if he couldn't get the stupid thing to work either. He decided to stream a movie for the kids. We chose the new Muppet Movie which was all well and good until it froze 57 times in the first 15 minutes. By this time it was close to dinner time and the kids were restless and really, how many times can you watch the opening credits since the stupid thing refused to fast forward. We finally got it working and Steve ran out to the grocery. I dared pause the movie (45 minutes in) to feed the kids dinner. After dinner, I hit start on the remote. It worked. For 30 seconds and then crashed. I fiddled and fuddled until my eyes crossed and finally gave up. I attempted to turn the regular TV back on, but I got an error message. I gave up entirely and let the kids resume their complete destruction of my home. It was an amazing weekend...
I had my pre-op appointment yesterday. My next surgery is scheduled for December 5. Luckily, this is an outpatient surgery and I'll get to sleep in my own bed that night. I was told that this surgery will be a piece of cake compared to the last two. Good news! With my pre-op appointment came the hospital registration and testing. Normally I can zip thru the entire process in an hour. Not to worry, yesterday that little pipe dream came crashing down. 90 minutes later I was on the verge of running out because I was going to be late picking up the kids. After I was about to leave, they decided I didn't need testing because I had just been in the hospital 3 months ago. Breaking news, I tell them every time I'm there that I need a damn frequent flier card. I was so irritated that I spent 90 minutes watching CNN in the pre-op waiting room. Is anything every easy?!?!?!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. The kids and I are headed to Virginia to celebrate with the Riley side of the family. Steve will fly up later in the week. Say a little prayer for me as I spend 10 hours in the car by myself with my darling children listening to Jing Jang 457 times...
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