This is going to be a short update as I am 50 shades of out of control and it's not looking to slow down before Sunday. I have managed to procrastinate on my Christmas shopping yet again this year. My OCD self is really hating my slacker self. It's not that I haven't wanted to shop, but the only days I have to myself are Tuesday and Thursday mornings which of course coincides with 500 doctors appointments. So... all that being said, I was able to get most of my shopping done this week. The good news about waiting until the last minute, is that I scored some ridiculous deals. Every store I walked into had all the merchandise at least 40% off. That's insane!! I had to physically restrain myself from going on a huge shopping binge for me. You know, nothing says Merry Christmas like a brand new wardrobe from The Loft and Gap, right? Aside from the fact that I'm almost certain they don't take monopoly money because that's about all I've got :). Ha! Anyway, I was very well behaved and only bought one present for me.
I also managed to order my Christmas cards late - Thanksgiving being a week later this year is really throwing me for a loop. They arrived on Tuesday, but don't worry, all did not end well there. I managed to grossly underestimate the amount of cards I needed. Somehow, when I stopped teaching math, I also managed to forget how to actually do math... Oh, by the way, nothing gets you in the spirit of Christmas more than shelling out $20 for rush shipping (which cost more than the cards, in case you were wondering) because you've realized you're an idiot. Le sigh...
In other super cheerful holiday bliss news, being Simon's class mom is going to be the undoing of me. Surely I am the LEAST qualified person for this job. Part of my job description (Ha!) was/ is collecting money at the beginning of the year so we can all go in together for class gifts (Christmas, birthdays, etc). I then purchase said gifts. Obviously I waited until the last minute, but in my defense, we've had a lot going on (that's an entirely separate blog post...maybe next week). I managed to score wildly at World Market and his teachers received some really nice gifts, if I do say so myself. I had two moms volunteer to host the class Christmas luncheon and they had everything planned and ready to go. Until, that is, I checked my email at 7am Thursday morning (the day of the party). One of the mom's had a stomach bug and the other mom had a child with something similar rendering them both out of commission. Guess who got to be in charge of hosting?!?! Did I mention that I had also planned on doing all of my Christmas shopping yesterday?!?!? Somehow, and I really don't know how, everything was accomplished and on time. Yesterday earned me at least 3 glasses of wine. Fa la la la la, la la la!!!!!!!!
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