The Gang's All Here!

The Gang's All Here!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Cold Sweat

I had to break out my faux fur lined slippers. It was in the 20's here last night, so I felt like that was a reasonable time for them to make their annual debut. For anyone that knows me, you know that I really loathe wearing anything on my feet, especially socks - GAH! I feel like flip flops are a good compromise to going barefoot 9 months out of the year. That said, I do ADORE a fabulous pair of tall boots, but that's a discussion for another day. I think my point to this ramble, was that it's damn cold here right now. My faux lined slippers resemble moccasins and sometimes I forget that I have them on (and not shoes) and I leave the house with them on. Yup. I have definitely rolled up to Target in these bad boys and preschool on occasion. Nothing says classy like slippers and black yoga pants...

Since we're living in the tundra here in Georgia this week, that also means I've had to break out the winter coats. It's a joyful time for all...not. Which brings us to the conversation about kids, winter coats and car seats. Winter coats and car seats are going to be the UNDOING of my sanity. On Wednesday, it took us an extra five (5) minutes to get in the car and get buckled up. I thought my brain was going to blow out of my skull from frustration. Please keep in mind that we were already late (duh, this IS me we're talking about) so adding an extra 5 minutes to the chaos was my kryptonite. Not only do my children forget how to walk and function with their coats on, but asking them to climb into the car was a joke. I managed to wrestle Simon into his seat, not sure he was able to breathe, but that's neither here nor there. Stella was wearing her "Stay Puft" marshmallow jacket which basically doubles her width. Two attempts to buckle her into the seat and I knew it wasn't happening. "Take the jacket off!!", you cry! Yes well, that involves an extra 5 minutes convincing, bribing and pleading with the 3.75 year old to take off the damn jacket. So, I attempted to loosen the straps on the car seat which was an exercise in hilarity. Finally, I shoved all of my weight into pulling on the straps and managed to get them buckled. Stella definitely couldn't breathe (she didn't say a word on the way to school) and I was sweating. So we rolled up to school on 3 wheels and a prayer that no one suffocated on the way.

So, there you have it, pretty sure I'm not up for moving anywhere north of Georgia anytime in the near future. I've become a sissy since I moved further south, but I'm okay with that. This weekend I'm on dead plant detail. Most of my flowers were still blooming until this week when the frost rolled in. I'm pretty excited about that... If anyone would like to volunteer to rake up the 4 million leaves in my yard, I'll be happy to pay you with alcohol :)

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