The Gang's All Here!

The Gang's All Here!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Officially Official

I really did mean to update the blog last week and time just got away from me. Between volunteering, doctors appointments (which could be a full time job right there) and oh yeah, my children/ household, there just isn't enough time in the day. I know, I know, I'm preaching to the choir, right?!?! We also went to South Carolina for Easter to spend time with the Hinman clan. We had a great trip, minus the weather, which gave us major attitude. The wild temperature swings can come to an end at any point, in case my opinion matters. I of course packed for warm weather and it was about 50 degrees on Easter morning with gale force winds. Lots of happy pictures were taken outside...guess which part of that statement is a bold faced lie... (hint, we took pictures outside).

All is well for me, post-surgery. I had my stitches taken out this morning (big yay!!) and will see my plastic surgeon again in a month to schedule my tattoo session. The tattoos are the final step and done in-office... and then I'm done being put back together! Well, at least that part of me - there are plenty of other areas that need work ;)

This weekend I am attending Camp Hope and I'm so excited!! I had my orientation meeting last night and the bus leaves Friday morning. It's been way too many years since I've been a camper! Steve will be Mr. Mom this weekend so let's all say a little prayer for him that the group is on their best behavior. Two toddlers + two constant attention seeking pooches is enough to send anyone screaming after a full day... I have complete faith that Steve will be fine, but the house could be another story!

My volunteering continues to be a source of joy and fulfillment for me. I was promoted early (go me!) so I am now visiting patients on my own. Today while I was at the hospital, I ordered my official volunteer uniform. I'm officially official, so watch out world!

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