The Gang's All Here!

The Gang's All Here!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Another Milestone

Yesterday I had my 4th and (hopefully!!) final surgery. Another milestone to check off the list! I am happy to report that I'm feeling good and haven't needed any pain meds at all. I am glad to not have any more surgeries! I have one procedure left and it's done in-office, so that shouldn't be a big deal. I have also finished my two week megadose of Prednisone and by all that is holy, that is a seriously evil drug. The nausea alone was enough to nearly do me in. I still have another two weeks to go on the Bactrim, but it doesn't seem to be bothering me (or least, not that I can tell). The good news in all of this is that my sinus infection appears to be gone and yay for that! Of course, the pollen count in Atlanta right now is around 10,000 so I'm sure that's not helping my cause. But, it IS gorgeous here, so I'm not complaining.

The kids were on spring break last week, so we made a quick trip up to Virginia to see my parents for a few days. Sorry to those of you that I missed, there just never seems to be enough time once I'm home. My parents have also put their house on the market, so there were a lot of moving parts for this trip. Steve and I attended his fraternity reunion at Virginia Tech last weekend which was lots of fun. We realized that we hadn't been to the event since our engagement, nine years ago...where does the time go?!?!?

April is such a busy month for us, I think I'm only in town for one weekend! I am meeting with my oncologist this Thursday for my 3 month check up. I haven't seen her since last year, which is a good thing (I think!). Not sure if she'll be ordering any scans or not. I've been feeling great, other than my sinus issues, so I'm taking that as a good sign. Well, the chores are calling, so it's back to the grind I go!

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