The Gang's All Here!

The Gang's All Here!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Welcome September!

Welcome September! Too bad it feels like the beginning of August... it's so humid if feels like you could cut the air with a butter knife, disgusting! Steve, the kids and I spent labor day weekend at the Hinman family beach compound in South Carolina. The sun was out, humidity was at about 3,000% and the bugs were unbelievably bad, but we had a great time! Stella absolutely LOVES the beach and would spend every waking moment in the ocean if we let her. Simon had quite a fine time playing in the surf and eating lots and lots of sand... The kids enjoyed playing with their cousins and we had a great time hanging out and relaxing (as much as one can relax with 4 children under the age of 3...). Steve and I stayed up late last night to watch the Hokies play their opening football game against Georgia Tech. What a nail biter!

Remember when I said I was done with my pump up sessions for my tissue expander? Yeah, just kidding about that. I had two more last week (really not happy) and will have my final one this Thursday. I'm very frustrated that it has taken so long. The good news is that I am feeling good and my hair is growing like a Chia Pet. Pretty soon I'm going to need to actually do something with it. Ironically, I will miss the ease of truly being a "wash-n-go" girl.

September will be a busy month for us. Between travel, weekend plans and the normal hustle and bustle, it will be October before we know it!

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