It's been a red-letter day here at the Hinman house! This is a good thing, because honestly, after yesterday I was considering purchasing a one-way ticket to Yeomen (that's a Friends reference and yes, I still desperately miss that show!). Stella was in RARE form, so combine that with 50 other things going wrong and you have a day that felt like a craptastic Tuesday (and really, Monday was a holiday this week, so yesterday technically WAS a Tuesday...). Anyway, today has been greatly improved.
My red-letter day started with me achieving pre-chemo weight, yahoo! Of course, this number is still horribly unacceptable as that puts me back to post-Simon birth weight, but it's progress! I managed to gain 10lbs from chemo (lucky, lucky girl right here!) and it's amazing how much better I feel just losing that little amount of weight. I have a long way to go, but I'm happy that I've had some success so far. Now if I can just keep up this momentum... The good news is that my energy has finally returned and I'm exercising a little. I'm hoping to increase it a little each week.
The second part to add to my happy day was the official release from my plastic surgeon. Well, for now at least. I am finally finished with all of my pump ups for the tissue expander and can begin radiation. Of course I went to schedule my CT scan for radiation next week and my doctor has jury duty... so, we'll put it off for one more week and keep our fingers crossed that radiation doesn't interfere with Thanksgiving. If that's the case, someone will get hurt.
Third, and probably most important for today, Stella sat on the potty at preschool. You have absolutely NO IDEA how huge this is. I am so stinking proud of her and at the same time, really hoping that we are going to make some positive progress with this whole potty training thing (which up until this point has been a disaster). So, fingers crossed that we're onto something here!
All in all, a great day! In a moderate protest to mother nature, I put up my fall decorations this morning. Not Halloween decorations, mind you, just fall things. Actually, I guess I'm behind since Costco already has their Christmas stuff out. I wish I was kidding. Pottery Barn is still sending me their fall catalogs so I think I'm safe for now. My hopes in putting out my fall decor (fabulous as it is) is that maybe it will cool off a little...maybe to the low 80's or something. This humidty is just inappropriate. There's nothing like sweating in shorts and a tank top watching football...
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