The Gang's All Here!

The Gang's All Here!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Coming Full Circle

I'm a "tad" out of control at the moment. I have started my volunteer position and I am truly loving it. I have found such joy and awe in meeting with patients and giving them a little hope. The most interesting part of my experience so far is that I've found healing in reaching out to others going through something I know entirely too much about. I know it sounds clichéd when I say that I felt a "calling" to volunteer and work with patients, but I can't really find another way to describe it. I said in the beginning of my journey that if I could reach even just one person, and make a difference, that I would be winning. I'm here to tell you, I am SOOOOO winning right now!! So, yes, it appears that I am getting WAY more out of volunteering than I expected, and for that I cannot be more grateful.

I have some more good news to share with all of you (told you I had lots of irons in the fire)! I applied and have been accepted to attend Camp Hope!! Camp Hope is a weekend away for adults with (and recently completed treatment of) cancer. Many of you know that I was a counselor at Camp Fantastic, a camp for kids with cancer in my teens and early 20's (ancient times!). It's hard to explain just how much Camp Fantastic meant to me, but it was truly a magical place where miracles occurred and friendships were bonded for life. I credit much of my (mostly) positive attitude in regards to my cancer treatment with my Camp Fantastic experience and the countless acts of courage I witnessed there each day.  I am so looking forward to being a camper this time around and surrounding myself with new friends and experiences! Sometimes I marvel at how my life has really come full circle.

Life at the Hinman House continues marching on at a rapid pace. Spring soccer has started for Stella, which means practices, games and lots of rescheduling due to rain. sigh... Add to that Steve taking an evening class once a week, me having meetings to attend with my new position, school for the kids... I could go on for hours. I'm very excited for the spring weather and lots of activities, I just hope I can keep up!

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