Did I mention that my primary physician referred me to an ENT? I saw her a few weeks ago after finally admitting that my sinus headache might actually kill me. After several weeks and almost finishing a Costco size bottle of ibuprofen, enough was enough. My primary doc was not super excited about me coming to see her again, with more sinus issues. So, she pumped me full of steroids and antibiotics along with making me swear I would see an ENT. Very soon. Conveniently, the ENT she recommended is literally right next to her office, so I walked in and made an appointment for the following week. Make that 5 of my doctors in the same building - how's that for one-stop shopping?!?! Sometimes I feel like I'm managing a team with all of these doctors! The ENT did a thorough exam of my nose (what a gross job, seriously) and shot up some kind of numbing junk. He then proceeded to take a culture of the insides of my sinuses. Absolutely lovely. He called last week to say that the culture didn't show anything "significant", so he wanted to have a CT of my sinuses. I had that done today. It was the easiest scan ever (less than a minute) and we went over my results immediately. I will admit I was quite fascinated looking at the inside of my head and he was kind enough to share my enthusiasm. So, to make a long story short, my sinuses are pretty jacked up and diagnosed me with chronic sinusitis. He's putting me on two weeks worth of steroids and a month (A MONTH!) of antibiotics. Yeehaw. But, fingers crossed this will do the trick and I won't need sinus surgery, which is what next if this infection doesn't clear up.
Speaking of surgery, my final (really hoping this is a true statement!) breast reconstruction surgery is April 7. I'm so excited to be almost finished! I met with my surgical team yesterday to go over the plan and then headed over to the hospital for surgery pre-testing. You know you're at the hospital WAY too much when entire new wings and departments have been added and you can reminisce with the staff over how things used to be. Luckily, this is a minor surgery, so I didn't need much in the way of testing.
I had my normal Herceptin treatment last week and my port decided it would be fun to act like a jackass. After a round of calisthenics, several different nurses and finally lying down flat, the stupid thing finally cooperated. The port is a wonderful thing, but when it doesn't work, life gets complicated. Good times here in cancerland!
It seems that everytime something goes wrong in my life it happens on a Tuesday. Apparently Tuesday and I aren't supposed to get along. So, in honor of all the craptastic Tuesdays everywhere, I present the worst Tuesday ever and my journey battling inflammatory breast cancer.
The Gang's All Here!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Coming Full Circle
I'm a "tad" out of control at the moment. I have started my volunteer position and I am truly loving it. I have found such joy and awe in meeting with patients and giving them a little hope. The most interesting part of my experience so far is that I've found healing in reaching out to others going through something I know entirely too much about. I know it sounds clichéd when I say that I felt a "calling" to volunteer and work with patients, but I can't really find another way to describe it. I said in the beginning of my journey that if I could reach even just one person, and make a difference, that I would be winning. I'm here to tell you, I am SOOOOO winning right now!! So, yes, it appears that I am getting WAY more out of volunteering than I expected, and for that I cannot be more grateful.
I have some more good news to share with all of you (told you I had lots of irons in the fire)! I applied and have been accepted to attend Camp Hope!! Camp Hope is a weekend away for adults with (and recently completed treatment of) cancer. Many of you know that I was a counselor at Camp Fantastic, a camp for kids with cancer in my teens and early 20's (ancient times!). It's hard to explain just how much Camp Fantastic meant to me, but it was truly a magical place where miracles occurred and friendships were bonded for life. I credit much of my (mostly) positive attitude in regards to my cancer treatment with my Camp Fantastic experience and the countless acts of courage I witnessed there each day. I am so looking forward to being a camper this time around and surrounding myself with new friends and experiences! Sometimes I marvel at how my life has really come full circle.
Life at the Hinman House continues marching on at a rapid pace. Spring soccer has started for Stella, which means practices, games and lots of rescheduling due to rain. sigh... Add to that Steve taking an evening class once a week, me having meetings to attend with my new position, school for the kids... I could go on for hours. I'm very excited for the spring weather and lots of activities, I just hope I can keep up!
I have some more good news to share with all of you (told you I had lots of irons in the fire)! I applied and have been accepted to attend Camp Hope!! Camp Hope is a weekend away for adults with (and recently completed treatment of) cancer. Many of you know that I was a counselor at Camp Fantastic, a camp for kids with cancer in my teens and early 20's (ancient times!). It's hard to explain just how much Camp Fantastic meant to me, but it was truly a magical place where miracles occurred and friendships were bonded for life. I credit much of my (mostly) positive attitude in regards to my cancer treatment with my Camp Fantastic experience and the countless acts of courage I witnessed there each day. I am so looking forward to being a camper this time around and surrounding myself with new friends and experiences! Sometimes I marvel at how my life has really come full circle.
Life at the Hinman House continues marching on at a rapid pace. Spring soccer has started for Stella, which means practices, games and lots of rescheduling due to rain. sigh... Add to that Steve taking an evening class once a week, me having meetings to attend with my new position, school for the kids... I could go on for hours. I'm very excited for the spring weather and lots of activities, I just hope I can keep up!
Friday, March 7, 2014
Toddler Tales
I've started typing this entry at least six different times today, and every time I am thwarted by my sweet, innocent children. They have been plotting my demise all week, so surely the end is near. Simon has now figured out how to get in and out his bed. Yes, he's been in a regular bed since he was 18 months, but never tried to get out. Consider that skill completely mastered this week. Instead of napping, he enjoys getting in and out of bed, throwing things and running around his room. He's still not anywhere as close to destructive as Stella, but the no-nap situation is taking its toll. You see, Simon still very much needs a nap, so by the time his bed time rolls around, he's a train wreck. Simon is very, very good at making my life (and anyone in a two mile radius) a living hell when he's tired. And, of course, when he doesn't nap, he doesn't sleep well at night either. Joy! Oh, did I mention that I'm pretty sure Simon is making up for all of the terrible two's Stella did not put us through? She was hell on wheels at three and the end appears no where in sight.
Stella has been a real gem these days to go along with Simon's shining personality. This morning over breakfast, she expressed her concern for my age ever so sweetly...
Stella, "Mommy, you're really getting old"
Me, "Gee, thanks, Stella".
Stella, "I really think it's time for a new mommy, you're just too old."
What the hell, people? I just stared at her because the only response I could think of was not appropriate for a child. Obviously I know she has no clue what she's actually saying, but I'm really feeling the love here right now, let me tell you. Stella has also informed me that I'm doing everything wrong and I talk too much. Such a lovely child...
Well, I'm typing this on the iPad outside, so who knows how many typos/ autocorrections were made. I'm off to pour myself a bottle of wine...Cheers!
Stella has been a real gem these days to go along with Simon's shining personality. This morning over breakfast, she expressed her concern for my age ever so sweetly...
Stella, "Mommy, you're really getting old"
Me, "Gee, thanks, Stella".
Stella, "I really think it's time for a new mommy, you're just too old."
What the hell, people? I just stared at her because the only response I could think of was not appropriate for a child. Obviously I know she has no clue what she's actually saying, but I'm really feeling the love here right now, let me tell you. Stella has also informed me that I'm doing everything wrong and I talk too much. Such a lovely child...
Well, I'm typing this on the iPad outside, so who knows how many typos/ autocorrections were made. I'm off to pour myself a bottle of wine...Cheers!
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