The Gang's All Here!

The Gang's All Here!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sh!tastic Thursday

I had the morning from hell. Our mornings are normally an exercise in chaos, but this morning really took it to the next dimension. I knew we had a busy day on tap - I had treatment today which meant I ALSO had to be showered, decently dressed (I try not to wear my normal mom clothes - which would be black yoga pants, flip flops and a tee shirt when I have doctor's appointments. Call me crazy, but dressing "professionally" makes me feel good, therefore I don't mind having 5,000 doctor's appointments like it's my job...), and fed before we walk out the door. I have also learned that my coffee needs to be completely consumed at least 30 minutes before my temperature is taken or they freak out that I might have a fever, but that's a story for another day... Anyway, I overslept and so did the kids. I absolutely loathe starting my day out behind. I got up, showered, got the kids up and fed them breakfast. While I feed them breakfast, I pack their lunches for school. They both like string cheese, so I always wait until we're headed out the door before I put that in their lunch boxes. So, I left the lunch boxes on the island (like I always do) and began the battle of getting the kids dressed. As a side note, isn't 3.5 years old way too young to have an opinion on clothes, hair and accessories? Good lord, please help me when Stella is a teenager. We were upstairs for 15 minutes max and only a few minutes behind schedule. And then we came back downstairs to complete destruction. Oh yes, our "darling" Murphy helped herself to both lunch boxes and their contents. Whoever said grapes are fatal to dogs obviously hasn't met Murphy - they didn't even phase her. She also ate the little plastic containers that the food was in. Of course I was completely frazzled because I had to re-pack both lunches and find containers to put them in. If you've ever seen my Tupperware cabinet, you know this was a horribly daunting task. Matching bowls and lids...hilarious. We were SO late for school and we all know how that rattles my OCD timetable cage, AUGHHHH!

Anyway, I had promised myself that since I had treatment today, I would treat myself to a pumpkin spice latte for the drive to the hospital. On my way to Starbucks, I realized I left my phone at home (add another level of awesomeness here). Since I was already late, I decided to go in and order my coffee instead of sitting in the drive thru. There wasn't a line so I was (in my head, mind you) cheering the near return to my timetable. Until I went to pick up my drink and the cup exploded. Yup, not sure what was going on there, but I guess in hindsight I'm really lucky I didn't burn the skin off of my hand. Of course I was mortified and flustered, AGAIN. The guy behind me laughed, but he was allowed to since his day sucked more than mine. He ordered his drink and then realized he forgot his wallet... So, after getting a new cup and only 2/3 of my latte, I jumped in the car, zoomed home to get my phone and headed down to treatment.

Luckily, treatment was uneventful and all my numbers looked great. I'm not sure everyone appreciated my new pumpkin spice perfume, but really, who doesn't love fall? I was just bringing a little ambiance to the room...

It may be that the universe is upset with me. You see, last night I went to the gym and took a Zumba class. My first one in over 4 years. What was I thinking, upsetting the balance of the universe by doing something healthy? Shame on me!! And, not to worry, after 4 years I was still going right while everyone else was going left. I really need to work on that. Yeah, just try to bask in the aura of my awesomeness :) If you see pigs flying tonight, I swear I had nothing to do with it!!

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