It's no secret that Murphy (our sweet, innocent, 9 month old yellow lab puppy...) may be the reason I am finally admitted to the loony bin. That dog is literally driving me insane. There isn't much she hasn't chewed up in our house at this point. She's eaten all of my kitchen chairs (and by eaten, I mean she's gnawed them into toothpicks basically), my fabulous bar stools (I'm still pissed about those), all of my wicker furniture in the sunroom - and I truly mean eaten and unraveled. Last week I caught her eating the drywall in the kitchen. Seriously. And not a corner (which would have made sense, I guess, if you were into eating drywall) but the middle of the damn wall. Yeah, she ate a nice little hole right in the middle of the wall. I threw her outside after that where she proceeded to dig up three of my potted plants. By the way, this was all in a span of about 15 minutes... Let's see, Murphy has also stolen diapers off of Simon's dresser (not an easy feat) and shredded them into 15 million pieces, stripped the kids of any food they might be holding/ eating (she's obsessed with bananas) and she also ate a wire coat hanger earlier this week. You might be wondering if we feed her and I can promise you that we most certainly do. She's so huge (not fat, just gigantic) that the vet had us take her off puppy chow at 7 months. She's 9 months old and weighs near 70 lbs. Sweet Jesus say a prayer for me that I survive puppyhood...
I had to take Willie (our almost 8 year old imitation chocolate lab) in today for his annual check-up. for once I was smart and took him on a day when both kids were at school. Two toddlers and a dog in the vet's office is just really not my idea of a good time. Anyway, after Willie marked four out of the six chairs in the waiting room (mortifying, in every sense of the word), the floor was mopped and the caution: wet floor sign was propped up (LOVE that we were the reason for that...) we were taken back to the scale. Willie has managed to gain five pounds over the past year and has now reached chunky, fat dog status. He was put on a weight management plan (it runs in the family). I learned lots of interesting tidbits today at the vet's office. For example, did you know that chocolate labs are notoriously OCD and high strung? Well, we've certainly learned that the hard way. Willie often maniacally licks the floor while Steve and I are trying to watch TV. It is the most frustrating thing and then he gets a hairball - not normal. So, today the vet described Prozac. Yup, my dog is now on meds for his anxiety. That's a whole lot of awesome rolled into one outrageous vet bill. So, fingers crossed that this helps him relax a little bit and not take life so seriously?!?!
So, that's been my exciting week so far in a nutshell. The rain has finally (FINALLY) stopped so I'm looking forward to getting the circus outside for some fresh air and exercise. Somehow, next week brings October... bring on the pumpkin patch and fall foliage!!
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