I don't really have anything specific to talk about today, so I thought I'd just mention some of the random happenings around here. Let's see, where to start...
So, remember last summer when I fell down the steps carrying Simon and broke my iPhone (for the second time)? The light came on and never went off. Well, it was still on as of the 1st of July. Totally awesome, right? Steve and I were finally eligible for upgrades to our phone at the end of June. I was trying to hold out for the release of the new iPhone (rumor has it that it will be coming out at the end of the summer). Steve decided to stray from his iPhone and switched to that Samsung Galaxy something or other. He hates it... but that's a story for another day. Lesson learned, never stray from the mother ship, aka Apple. The good news in all of this is that I was able to switch to his iPhone. This is fantastic for many reasons including the fact that the light does not stay on. I can also use the phone like a normal person and no longer have to have all of my calls on speaker. I know all of you are really appreciative of that little tidbit of information! I can also get through the entire day without having to charge the phone multiple times. The only downfall to the whole phone switcheroo circus is that somehow, when we moved my data it sucked all the megabytes or gigabytes (or really, whatever the hell that stuff is called, I have no idea). So, I can't use my phone for anything other than phone calls unless I'm at our house. I hadn't realized how dependent I've become with texting. I feel like I have no contact with the outside world. No one answers their phone anymore! No more data for me until July 13th. I feel like I'm living in 1996 all over again... Nonsense I tell you!
We spent a nice, relaxing July 4th at the Hinman Compound in South Carolina. Somehow, the weather gods were on our side and we had gorgeous beach weather every day. The weather gods are very angry with Atlanta, it's poured for days here. The vegetation is starting to rot because it's been so wet and humid. One nice part about it being so rainy is that we haven't had crazy heat. I'm sure that will be here for most of August, but it's been nice to not have had Code Red days here yet.
I'm finally feeling better and I'm so thankful for that. There's nothing worse than feeling like crap in the middle of the summer. I don't have too much going on this week. The kids and I went to the pool this morning which was fun. They both love the water and it's so neat to see them become more comfortable with each trip to the pool. I have treatment on Friday and then sometime before August 2nd (which is when I next see my oncologist) I'm due for another PET scan. It's hard to believe it's been 3 months since the last one. We have a busy couple of weeks coming up including our summer trip to Virginia. The kids are excited and so am I!
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