Somehow, it's already Wednesday... not sure how that happened so quickly?!? I spent hours yesterday putting together a proposed agenda for our Ireland trip. It's a labor of love for me, so they were pleasurable hours spent at least! You should see my outline, it's perfectly organized and easy to read. I'm not sure Steve is as appreciative of my outlines and margins, but oh well. I'm nothing if not efficient! Of course, the ironic part of this whole plan is that neither of us have the first clue as to what we'll "actually" experience. But, I'm looking forward to "winging it" and exploring Ireland on our own.
I've struggled (as I think most of the country has) this week trying to wrap my brain around the whole Boston Marathon bombing. The first question that comes to mind is, why a marathon? Surely there isn't a more resilient, hard working and dedicated group than marathon runners? Is the bombing supposed to represent something about running, or large groups of people gathered together to support loved ones and friends? Congratulations, Mr. (or Miss I guess) Von Terrorist, you got your 15 minutes and managed to put a dent on an otherwise very positive event. And thank you news media for once again covering this story way past excess. But you know what? Boston is a fabulous city and, to quote a former student of mine, "they ain't scurred (scared)". I hope the people of Boston are able get back to their regaularly scheduled lives as soon as they can and show this moron that the American spirit is here to stay. Gosh, I just get so angry that someone could do this.
This is terrible (and I'm not making light of this awful situation), but my second question regarding the Boston bombings was, don't pressure cookers have to be plugged in? How on earth do those things work without electricity? Obviously, I'm not much of a chef but does it run on steam or something? So yes, appreciate my ignorance regarding kitchen appliances, but I was curious about that. Seems like nothing we use these days is safe from missuse. Jokes aside, my thoughts and prayers are with the people of Boston - we love you!
In other news, we spent a nice weekend with Steve's parents, who came to visit us. This week, Stella is back to school - last week was spring break and a huge reality check. Now I know why parents dread summer - what to do with the kids every day, all day? It was nice having her around, but wow, going to need to find something for her to do this summer! This morning I had a random call from the hospital - time to have another PET Scan... oh boy! I'll be having my next scan the first week of May. Count me in as stressed already...
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