Not too much to report here, which I guess is a good thing. I'm up to my ears in puppy and toddler insanity. The constant rain may be the straw that officially breaks this camel's back. If I even hear ONE word about a drought here in the near future I'm going to to require said person to spend the morning mopping my floors from the constant onslaught of mud and debris. It's never ending! I thought Murphy had made big improvements to her housebreaking until I noticed the floor underneath our foam mat in the playroom was wet. Pulled it up and oh yeah, wood floor was soaked. So, up came the mat (in a fit of rage - at myself mostly for not realizing what she'd been up to for the past day(s).). Sigh, it's always something, isn't it? I broke out the Bona floor cleaner and the floors appear to endure the worst of it...we shall see.
In some (relatively speaking) exciting news, we're having our windows replaced in the sunroom (playroom) next week. We've known since we bought the house that the windows needed to be replaced but, as you might imagine, windows don't come cheap. I should also mention that we have 48 windows in our house, so unless one of us robs a bank or starts selling drugs, we'll have to replace the windows in stages. The sunroom is first because it's drafty and the windows actively leak when it's raining. We discovered this little gem on Christmas night when it was monsooning and water was pouring in through the glass. Oh yes, that was all kinds of awesome. Especially when said water was pouring in over the electrical outlet that the Christmas tree was plugged into. I'm telling you, our life - the crazy just keeps on coming.
I am so excited that February is almost over. It's never been my favorite month and I'm so anxious for spring and warmer weather to be here. I think I might have that seasonal disorder - I crave sunlight and warmth! I was happy to see on the calendar that the time change is in less than two weeks, woohoo!! I love when it stays light later - bring on summer!
So, that's about it. I wish I had more to share that's worth writing about. Simon has figured out how to climb (found him climbing up our built in bookshelves yesterday). I know it's only a matter of time before he figures out how to get out of the crib... I found Stella pulling all of her clothes out of her dresser trying to "find a decent outfit". You know my OCD self was horrified staring at my perfectly folded and organzied drawers strewn about the room like a clearance sale at Nordstrom. Is it beer-thrity yet??????
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