Apparently we should have decorated a palm tree instead of a Chistmas tree this year! Not that I'm complaining, 75 and sunny is definitely my kind of weather. It's just odd, being that it's December and all. The weather gods are probably having a good chuckle right now before they pound us all with two feet of snow in January. A huge deal certainly up north, but down here? The city of Atlanta owns one (1) snow plow. So yeah, talk about paralyzing a city...
I am happy to say that I am finished decorating the house for Christmas (huge feat, yay!). Although what I have come to realize with two toddlers and one insane chocolate lab running around, is that I am required to redecorate the Christmas tree at least 5 times a day. It's exhausting. Why didn't anyone warn me about how much work it is to have TWO children under the age of three walking??? Really, someone could have filled me in...I kid, I kid, mostly. But, seriously, Christmas is not supposed to be this much work! I know, my life is so hard :) Steve did talk me into getting a live tree this year and I have to say that I'm really happy he did. It smells DIVINE! Other than having to run the vaccuum 40 times a day, it's beautiful. And really, I shouldn't complain, I'd have to run the vaccuum anyway since Simon's current favorite game is "stick your hand in the plant and wing dirt everywhere"...such a boy.
The other fun part of this Christmas has definitely been our Elf on the Shelf. He appeared last year, but Stella really could have cared less. In case you're wondering, our elf's name is Watson. He doesn't do any silly tricks (come on people, you expect me to be creative at 11pm after chasing these hooligans around all day???) but he does move around. Stella has had a great time searching for him in the mornings.
I am happy to report that I am fully recovered from my sinus infection and bronchitis. Gah, what a freaking pain in the butt that was. Not much to update on the cancer front, I'm sort of in a lull, for lack of a better word. I have just a few Herceptin treatments left and then I'm not sure what's in store for me next. The good news is that the big milestones are done and it should just be routine screenings after this. Fingers crossed!!
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