The Gang's All Here!

The Gang's All Here!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Under Construction

My life could be considered "under construction". I'm ending one phase of the process and beginning another in my quest to leave cancer-land for good. There's a thought! Instead of Candyland, I'll come up with a board game called Cancerland, not a bad idea! I could probably market it at most places that do chemo treatments and hospitals, I'm sure the patients would get a kick out of it. If not, at least it would help pass the infusion time... I'm hoping that tomorrow when I see my plastic surgeon she'll give me the green light to begin radiation treatment. Radiation treatment is going to be eating into my fall time and that doesn't thrill me.

Speaking of construction zones, I'm living in one. Not my house at the moment, but everywhere within a 5 mile radius of us. It's BEYOND frustrating. For a while (meaning the past two years, yes I said years) the main road (for GA folks, GA-120) by us has been undergoing a massive transformation. It's nearly done and greatly improved. But TWO YEARS is a long time to endure the wonderful hiccups and snafus that come along with construction.  Four weeks ago the pavers arrived to re-pave our neighborhood. Loud and inconvenient, yes. But, I figured that we could endure for a week or two, because in the end, we would have nice, newly paved streets. All well and good except that the workers haven't returned in TWO WEEKS... what?!?! Our street was finished but not the main drag through the neighborhood, it looks terrible and is worse than driving on cobblestones. Did they run out of county funding or something? Surely this isn't the finished product... It's bizzare to say the least. I'm sure they'll return with their jackhammers just in time for "naptime" at our house.

I don't really have anything else to say that's worth your time, unfortunately. I've been trying to get organized (the eternal quest) enough to not have Crazytown grant me citizenship next week. Stella starts school on Monday which is actually late... most of the kids went back this week or the week before. I've been trying to find her a lunchbox but I haven't had any success yet. To compensate, we hit the sale today at Carter's... It's a little frustrating right now that all of the stores have fall and winter clothes out when it will still be hot here through October. Oh well, at least the clearance sales have been great!

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