Our trip to Sandestin was wonderful! Steve and I had a great time filled with sunsets, bonfires on the beach, good friends and of course, plenty of free flowing booze :). If you've never been to the Florida Panhandle (or Redneck Riviera as it's sometimes referred to), you are missing something special. The gulf coast is gorgeous and will not disappoint.
Coming back to reality has been a cold, hard smack in the face this week. It's been a double whammy because the kids finished up with school last week, so they've been home with me. ALL DAY, EVERYDAY. I am exhausted. Several times yesterday I found myself questioning how I had two kids home all the time while on chemo. Clearly if I can survive chemo with a newborn and a toddler, I can make it through this summer. But if this week is any indication, it's going to be a L-O-N-G summer. Not that I'm complaining (at least, not loudly), I love having them with me and we do have lots of fun. Now that Simon is mostly talking in sentences and Stella speaks with the mouth of a 25 year old, it's never quiet. I no longer have any personal thoughts because I am unable to turn off the endless chatter. Don't get me wrong, I love hearing both kids talk and laugh (but not scream, which they really seem to love doing) but it's not quiet. EVER. Luckily, we have lots of fun things to look forward to including trips to Virginia and South Carolina, swimming lessons and lots of pool time!
Thankfully, we are departing reality tomorrow. I'm not sure what I'll do when we're in town for longer than a week or two. We're heading to the North Georgia Mountains for some R & R with some good friends. We've rented a cabin and are looking forward to relaxing and being outdoors. Bring on the campfire, s'mores and wine!
I met with my plastic surgeon yesterday and was cleared for my last procedure, yay!!!! The last step is getting my tattoos (I had nipple reconstruction in April, then they tattoo the areolas - it's amazing how realistic they look). My tatt date is scheduled for July 1, which I find to be an incredibly ironic date. July 2 of 2012 was my first surgery and two years to the damn day, I will finally be finished with all of the reconstruction. I'll toast to that!!
It seems that everytime something goes wrong in my life it happens on a Tuesday. Apparently Tuesday and I aren't supposed to get along. So, in honor of all the craptastic Tuesdays everywhere, I present the worst Tuesday ever and my journey battling inflammatory breast cancer.
The Gang's All Here!

Thursday, May 22, 2014
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Poor Choices
I'm a whirling dervish of ADD today. I am attempting to pack AND clean my house at the same time. Needless to say, I'm basically spinning in circles. Currently, I'm procrastinating by updating the blog. Steve and I are headed to San Destin (FL) tomorrow for a kid free weekend away - do you hear the angels singing?!?!?! Each year his company sends everyone (and a spouse/ spice) to an out-of-town destination for a weekend of fun and debauchery relaxation. Last year we went to Savannah and several years ago it was in Asheville. Steve works with such a fun, enthusiastic group, it's impossible NOT to have a good time.
Steve's parents have been kind enough to volunteer to come stay with the kids while we're gone. That would be the reason that I need to clean the house. This house looks like a bunch of hooligans live here. The tumbleweeds of dog hair are almost the size of Simon and I just ran the vacuum last week... Plus, we have the normal arsenal of toddler toys. Last Friday, someone left a truck out and I stepped on it. It zoomed out from under my foot and I landed flat on my hip and face. I'm sure I looked like something out of a cartoon. As I was laying on the floor willing myself to get up and not drop a few F-bombs, Stella looked at me and said, "Well Mommy, it's looks like you need to be more careful". Gee thanks, sweetheart. Once I was able to limp away, I went directly to the kitchen and poured myself a beer (I'm pretty sure it was after 5pm at that point). I won't even mention the 85 loads of laundry still waiting to be folded...
Continuing with all things amazing in my life, I would like to offer you a very important piece of advice. Never, EVER attempt to highlight your own hair at home. You're welcome, in advance. I decided to be cheap and DIY at home. I have to say that was one of the poorest choices I have made in recent memory. As you know, my hair is dark. All I was attempting to do, was add some lighter brown into the dark, boring brown. I've had my hair highlighted (by a professional) a million times, so naturally I assumed I could do my own hair. HAHA LOL! Instead of the highlights being a few shades of brown lighter, they turned out brassy blonde, my favorite (NOT!) with my super dark brown hair underneath. Try to match that level of hotness. Honestly, I looked like a drug dealer in a mug shot looking for a score. Sigh... So off I went to the store to purchase some more boring brown to cover up my poor attempt at hair styling. I am happy to inform you that my hair is back to brown and hasn't fallen out yet...
Anyway, I'm running out of time to get anything done. Surely I can dust, vacuum and fold laundry at the same time, right?!?!?!
Steve's parents have been kind enough to volunteer to come stay with the kids while we're gone. That would be the reason that I need to clean the house. This house looks like a bunch of hooligans live here. The tumbleweeds of dog hair are almost the size of Simon and I just ran the vacuum last week... Plus, we have the normal arsenal of toddler toys. Last Friday, someone left a truck out and I stepped on it. It zoomed out from under my foot and I landed flat on my hip and face. I'm sure I looked like something out of a cartoon. As I was laying on the floor willing myself to get up and not drop a few F-bombs, Stella looked at me and said, "Well Mommy, it's looks like you need to be more careful". Gee thanks, sweetheart. Once I was able to limp away, I went directly to the kitchen and poured myself a beer (I'm pretty sure it was after 5pm at that point). I won't even mention the 85 loads of laundry still waiting to be folded...
Continuing with all things amazing in my life, I would like to offer you a very important piece of advice. Never, EVER attempt to highlight your own hair at home. You're welcome, in advance. I decided to be cheap and DIY at home. I have to say that was one of the poorest choices I have made in recent memory. As you know, my hair is dark. All I was attempting to do, was add some lighter brown into the dark, boring brown. I've had my hair highlighted (by a professional) a million times, so naturally I assumed I could do my own hair. HAHA LOL! Instead of the highlights being a few shades of brown lighter, they turned out brassy blonde, my favorite (NOT!) with my super dark brown hair underneath. Try to match that level of hotness. Honestly, I looked like a drug dealer in a mug shot looking for a score. Sigh... So off I went to the store to purchase some more boring brown to cover up my poor attempt at hair styling. I am happy to inform you that my hair is back to brown and hasn't fallen out yet...
Anyway, I'm running out of time to get anything done. Surely I can dust, vacuum and fold laundry at the same time, right?!?!?!
Friday, May 9, 2014
Mommy Fail
I just stepped in dog shit people. No really, I did. In my house. Seriously. I'm beyond irritated, so I'll apologize in advance for what I'm sure is going to be a ranty, ugly mess of a blog entry. Murphy has been on a tear this week. Not really sure what the special occasion is, but she's pooped in the office almost everyday this week. She also refuses to go upstairs without being carried (that's a whole lot of fun right there trying to carry an 80lb + stubborn dog up the damn stairs). I've lost count of the number of toys/ objects/ loofas that she's destroyed this week. Murphy clotheslines the kids on a regular basis outside, not because she's mean spirited, she's just that much of a klutz. You should see the bruise I have on my knee from where she rammed into me full force with her giant blockhead. She was chasing her ball...
This has been one of those weeks where I grossly overextended myself. Even pre-cancer, pre-kids, pre-thirtysomething Erin would have struggled to get everything accomplished. I take full responsibility for my actions because I am terrible at saying no. Unless it involves my children or my dogs, because then? Oh yeah, GAME ON! So, I'm exhausted. It was teacher appreciation week (and my kids have had absolutely fantastic teachers this year), and being a room mom for one kid and along with being a good "participating" mom for the other kid, I had to hit the ground running this week. Which I did, mostly. I had great plans of doing cute little candy-type gifts that I saw on Pinterest for Simon's teachers. My attempt was a joke and I ended up running out to get cupcakes for his teachers instead. Check out these Pinterest Fail (nailed it!) pictures, they are hilarious! If you've ever attempted a Pinterest project and failed miserably, you will absolutely LOVE this website!
Things this week would have been much easier if I hadn't been scared to death that I was going blind. Overdramatic? Most assuredly, but obviously you know me pretty well at this point, so you should expect nothing less! My right eye turned red on Saturday and hurt a bit. Well, that little vision of loveliness rotated between both of my eyes all week. It was bad enough on Wednesday that I threw out the white flag, took out my contacts and have been wearing my glasses ever since. I HATE wearing my glasses all the time. They don't fit correctly and constantly slide down my nose. I'm quite the picture this week between my red eyes and ill-fitting glasses. Also, my hair looks atrocious because I can't seem to blow-dry it with my glasses on. How do people do that?!?! And, no, I'm pretty sure I don't have pink eye because everyone else in this house is fine. I'm guessing it's allergy related. The good news is that today, my eyes are closer to being white rather than the color of fire. Try not to be too envious of my fabulousness, okay?
In my spare time, I had my volunteer hours to complete and 5,000 errands to run. Stella has started swimming lessons at the Y and I made the mistake of calling her out for not listening to her teachers on the first night. She was so pissed at me for saying she wasn't listening, that she ignored me for an hour. When I tried to talk to her about why not listening is dangerous in a pool, she turned it around on me saying that I told her, "she's a terrible swimmer" and "she'll never be the bestest swimmer ever". Excuse me, but what the hell?!?!?! Is this kid 4 or 16? I, apparently, ruined her life with a single comment. Don't worry, she took her mood out on Steve too, poor guy had nothing to do with the situation! Luckily, the second class went much smoother and I managed to keep my big fat mouth shut.
Stella also had her school program on Wednesday. Their performances are always adorable. As the kids were walking down the aisle, Simon saw Stella (he was sitting with me) and yelled, "HI STELLA!!". He ran up to her and gave the biggest hug, it really was cute. Well, cute, until I had to pull him away from her and he started screaming, "MY STELLA!!!!" at the top of his lungs. He then proceeded to throw himself in the middle of the aisle and cry. It's a shame there's not an award for worst mothering in a public place. I'm pretty sure I'd have that one in the bag. Is it happy hour yet?!?!?
This has been one of those weeks where I grossly overextended myself. Even pre-cancer, pre-kids, pre-thirtysomething Erin would have struggled to get everything accomplished. I take full responsibility for my actions because I am terrible at saying no. Unless it involves my children or my dogs, because then? Oh yeah, GAME ON! So, I'm exhausted. It was teacher appreciation week (and my kids have had absolutely fantastic teachers this year), and being a room mom for one kid and along with being a good "participating" mom for the other kid, I had to hit the ground running this week. Which I did, mostly. I had great plans of doing cute little candy-type gifts that I saw on Pinterest for Simon's teachers. My attempt was a joke and I ended up running out to get cupcakes for his teachers instead. Check out these Pinterest Fail (nailed it!) pictures, they are hilarious! If you've ever attempted a Pinterest project and failed miserably, you will absolutely LOVE this website!
Things this week would have been much easier if I hadn't been scared to death that I was going blind. Overdramatic? Most assuredly, but obviously you know me pretty well at this point, so you should expect nothing less! My right eye turned red on Saturday and hurt a bit. Well, that little vision of loveliness rotated between both of my eyes all week. It was bad enough on Wednesday that I threw out the white flag, took out my contacts and have been wearing my glasses ever since. I HATE wearing my glasses all the time. They don't fit correctly and constantly slide down my nose. I'm quite the picture this week between my red eyes and ill-fitting glasses. Also, my hair looks atrocious because I can't seem to blow-dry it with my glasses on. How do people do that?!?! And, no, I'm pretty sure I don't have pink eye because everyone else in this house is fine. I'm guessing it's allergy related. The good news is that today, my eyes are closer to being white rather than the color of fire. Try not to be too envious of my fabulousness, okay?
In my spare time, I had my volunteer hours to complete and 5,000 errands to run. Stella has started swimming lessons at the Y and I made the mistake of calling her out for not listening to her teachers on the first night. She was so pissed at me for saying she wasn't listening, that she ignored me for an hour. When I tried to talk to her about why not listening is dangerous in a pool, she turned it around on me saying that I told her, "she's a terrible swimmer" and "she'll never be the bestest swimmer ever". Excuse me, but what the hell?!?!?! Is this kid 4 or 16? I, apparently, ruined her life with a single comment. Don't worry, she took her mood out on Steve too, poor guy had nothing to do with the situation! Luckily, the second class went much smoother and I managed to keep my big fat mouth shut.
Stella also had her school program on Wednesday. Their performances are always adorable. As the kids were walking down the aisle, Simon saw Stella (he was sitting with me) and yelled, "HI STELLA!!". He ran up to her and gave the biggest hug, it really was cute. Well, cute, until I had to pull him away from her and he started screaming, "MY STELLA!!!!" at the top of his lungs. He then proceeded to throw himself in the middle of the aisle and cry. It's a shame there's not an award for worst mothering in a public place. I'm pretty sure I'd have that one in the bag. Is it happy hour yet?!?!?
Friday, May 2, 2014
Updates in Cancerland
Camp Hope was once of the most amazing experiences I've ever had in my life. Honestly, I knew it would be awesome but I just didn't realize how incredibly awesome it would be. I made some wonderful new friends, 5 of which share my oncologist. Needless to say, we had lots to talk about. I can't really explain how good it feels to be around people who just "get it". I was amazed, horrified, encouraged and touched by each person's experience. That's the funny thing about cancer: each and every person has a unique experience, and no two people share exactly the same journey. Maybe that's why we all bonded as quickly as we did. We could skip the OMG, you have/ had cancer, how are you feeling? stuff and get straight to the living and moving forward part. And, oh, what a refreshing experience that was! I am so grateful and honored that I was able to take part in such a caring, fun and most importantly, meaningful weekend. I should also add that Camp Twin Lakes is an absolutely gorgeous place, filled with so much hope and courage. Please check them out, they are such a special group of people!
Continuing in the realm of all things cancer related, I had major drama yesterday at treatment. My port decided it would be great fun to cop a major attitude and refuse to work. NEAT (<--- extreme sarcasm here). I did bends, twists, breathing/ not breathing, sitting up, lying down, you name it. NOTHING WORKED. This is not good for two reasons. One, it means that something is up with the port and two, I would have to have TPA injected into my port (which is essentially liquid Drain-O, lovely, right???). That's all well and good except that TPA requires AT LEAST 30 minutes to work before they can try flushing the port again and getting blood return (which they have to have because I have to have my blood tested before I can have treatment). Well friends, I got a little pissy with the staff (Irish temper rears it's ugly head) because there was no way on earth I could spend an extra hour or two there waiting for the Drain-O when I HAD to pick up the kids from school. So, I told them what they were going to do (and I'm really not a demanding person, but if I've learned nothing else from the cancer crap, it's that I have to be my own advocate) and if they wouldn't do that, then I was leaving. Well, the stars aligned for a brief moment yesterday and my wishes were granted. STAT. How 'bout them apples?!?!? I even ended up being a few minutes early to pick up the kids! But, in all seriousness, I'm considered an "old timer" at this point and I'm not a complainer, so I'm glad I spoke up. Of course, my speaking up meant getting jabbed with two additional needles, an IV in my hand and Herceptin thru the IV. But, whatever... The good news is that they also put the TPA in my port and it did eventually work. Lawd have mercy...
In other news, Steve and I have decided to participate in the Tour de Pink here in Atlanta. It's a bike race to raise money for the YSC. and their research in finding a sure for breast cancer. We have revived our team: When Irish Chicks Are Fighting that my awesome sisters created when they walked the 3 Day in 2012. Steve and I have pledged that we're going to ride 100 miles - because we are completely crazy we're feeling up to the challenge! Please consider making a donation or coming out to cheer us on October 25th. So, at some point I need to get a bike and do something called "exercise". I'll keep you posted on my training (or lack there of!).
Continuing in the realm of all things cancer related, I had major drama yesterday at treatment. My port decided it would be great fun to cop a major attitude and refuse to work. NEAT (<--- extreme sarcasm here). I did bends, twists, breathing/ not breathing, sitting up, lying down, you name it. NOTHING WORKED. This is not good for two reasons. One, it means that something is up with the port and two, I would have to have TPA injected into my port (which is essentially liquid Drain-O, lovely, right???). That's all well and good except that TPA requires AT LEAST 30 minutes to work before they can try flushing the port again and getting blood return (which they have to have because I have to have my blood tested before I can have treatment). Well friends, I got a little pissy with the staff (Irish temper rears it's ugly head) because there was no way on earth I could spend an extra hour or two there waiting for the Drain-O when I HAD to pick up the kids from school. So, I told them what they were going to do (and I'm really not a demanding person, but if I've learned nothing else from the cancer crap, it's that I have to be my own advocate) and if they wouldn't do that, then I was leaving. Well, the stars aligned for a brief moment yesterday and my wishes were granted. STAT. How 'bout them apples?!?!? I even ended up being a few minutes early to pick up the kids! But, in all seriousness, I'm considered an "old timer" at this point and I'm not a complainer, so I'm glad I spoke up. Of course, my speaking up meant getting jabbed with two additional needles, an IV in my hand and Herceptin thru the IV. But, whatever... The good news is that they also put the TPA in my port and it did eventually work. Lawd have mercy...
In other news, Steve and I have decided to participate in the Tour de Pink here in Atlanta. It's a bike race to raise money for the YSC. and their research in finding a sure for breast cancer. We have revived our team: When Irish Chicks Are Fighting that my awesome sisters created when they walked the 3 Day in 2012. Steve and I have pledged that we're going to ride 100 miles - because
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