I seem to be having trouble keeping up with my life right now. Here I was worried that going back to school (and attending school for the first time for Simon) would send the kids into a tail spin. Oh no, they've been just fine, it's me who's really been thrown for a loop. I guess I got lazy this summer, without having any REAL time table to adhere to. And lest we not forget, I'm the original calendar girl, sticking to times and dates like it's my job. I crave organization and order. Unfortunately (especially since my diagnosis), I have become soft in my adherence to being on time. It's painful for me to admit that. But, oh my lord, why didn't someone tell me how absolutely crazy (not to mention chaotic) it is to get TWO children ready for school in the morning?!?! Nothing goes according to plan and I'm pretty sure there are flames coming out of my head. This morning I literally got in my car after dropping them off and I was in a full blown sweat. I can't seem to get it together, holy cow! Of course, I know I should be prepping the night before, but I'm exhausted. I'm sure if I were prepping the night before, I would have also realized as I was serving breakfast this morning that we were out of Simon's beloved frozen pancakes. As you can imagine, substituting bread with butter didn't go over well. AT ALL. I've been paying for it ALL DAY... Anyway, the kids are happy to be at school (well, Simon is still adjusting, but Stella is loving it) and I'm sure at some point I'll enjoy my new found "freedom".
My recovery is going well. I had a little (and I mean little) drama at the hospital. Turns out my suspected Percocet allergy is the real deal. We confirmed it this time around and I can honestly say if I never have to take that drug, it will be to soon. The itching, OMG, the itching. I thought I was going to come out of my skin. Take a Benedryl... but then I feel like I'm floating which I'm not a huge fan of either. That same day we confirmed the Percocet allergy, I also had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic and developed thrush (a vision of loveliness in my mouth, let me tell you). It came on in a matter of hours, made worse by the tomato soup I had that evening. What a dumb move on my part, but I was hungry! Anyway, it was quick and by the time I was discharged, the thrush had gone. I am happy to say that I stopped taking the Percocet on Friday of last week and I haven't looked back. It's been truly amazing that I have had NO pain. I am happy with the results of my surgery and am anxiously awaiting to have my drains removed. I'll just say that I won't wish them on anyone, but they have been much easier to maintain this time around.
We are heading to South Carolina for labor day weekend to spend some time with the Hinman crew. I know the kids are looking forward to some beach time and it will be great to catch up with everyone. Hope everyone has a safe and happy "last weekend of summer"!!
It seems that everytime something goes wrong in my life it happens on a Tuesday. Apparently Tuesday and I aren't supposed to get along. So, in honor of all the craptastic Tuesdays everywhere, I present the worst Tuesday ever and my journey battling inflammatory breast cancer.
The Gang's All Here!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Here I Are!!
That's how Stella answers when Im looking for her :) Hello! I just wanted to let all of know that my surgery went perfectly and I'm feeling great! I think this will be a much easier recovery compared to last time. The nurses had me up and moving within a couple hours of my surgery yesterday. No rest for the weary here! The nurses are pleased with my progress- which, of course makes the overachiever in extremely happy. Yes, I'm way too competitive, for my own good, but I guess we all have our "issues" ;)
So, now for the million dollar question: how are my new "twins"? They look fabulous and I couldn't be happier! So, I guess I can thank Kyle for this perk :)
Well, I'm off to walk the halls- thanks to each of for all of your love and support- I couldn't have made it this far without you!!
Erin xoxo
So, now for the million dollar question: how are my new "twins"? They look fabulous and I couldn't be happier! So, I guess I can thank Kyle for this perk :)
Well, I'm off to walk the halls- thanks to each of for all of your love and support- I couldn't have made it this far without you!!
Erin xoxo
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Rain, Rain, Go Away!
Another day, another downpour... Seriously, all it has done in Georgia this summer is R A I N. I'm all for a good thunderstorm and a soaking rain - preferably in the evening so that it helps lull me to sleep. Oh no, here it's been monsooning day and night, mixed in with severe thunderstorms and flash floods. The funny part is that I think I can count on one hand the number of days we've had in the '90's here. It really hasn't been that hot, however, the humidity has been off the charts. It's disgusting and it surrounds you the second you walk outside. Most days it's so humid our house windows are fogged up! Also, my house would appreciate it if my children (not to mention two crazy dogs) could spend some time outdoors!
I had a check-up with my breast surgeon on Monday. I really do enjoy seeing her and she's so much fun to talk to. I wish that she was going to be in on my surgery next but I the guess the good news is that my surgery is purely cosmetic at this point and there's no need for her to be there. Still, she said she'd try to come and visit while I'm in the hospital which is really sweet of her.
Speaking of my surgery, it's less than a week away!!! I cannot wait to see the results! Of course in preparation for the procedure(s) I cannot have any ibuprofen, NSAIDs etc. That's all fine and dandy except that now that I know I can't take them, I need them! Tylenol is allowed, but it's such a joke when it comes to headaches for me. My body refers to Tylenol as tic tacs... candy. Maybe some wine... oh wait, pretty sure alcohol is frowned upon the week before surgery as well. What's a girl to do?!?!
Such drama, I know. Pretty sure these are all "first world problems" (that was for you, KS!) but whatever. In other news, preschool also starts next week! I alternate between being ecstatic about having some free time, to really sad that Simon won't be with me everyday. Don't worry, I'm sure I'll manage... I guess it's more that he's old enough to be going to preschool in the first place. I never really believed people when they told me time flies. Then I had children and time seems to just melt away (at least most of the time - we do have our days when it seems to stand still).
So, yeah, the next time I update the blog I'll be typing as the new me! As long as I'm not too hopped up on pain meds, I'll try to update from my hospital bed. After all, how many games of Candy Crush can I really play (yeah, that addiction needs to be broken stat!)... Wish me luck!
I had a check-up with my breast surgeon on Monday. I really do enjoy seeing her and she's so much fun to talk to. I wish that she was going to be in on my surgery next but I the guess the good news is that my surgery is purely cosmetic at this point and there's no need for her to be there. Still, she said she'd try to come and visit while I'm in the hospital which is really sweet of her.
Speaking of my surgery, it's less than a week away!!! I cannot wait to see the results! Of course in preparation for the procedure(s) I cannot have any ibuprofen, NSAIDs etc. That's all fine and dandy except that now that I know I can't take them, I need them! Tylenol is allowed, but it's such a joke when it comes to headaches for me. My body refers to Tylenol as tic tacs... candy. Maybe some wine... oh wait, pretty sure alcohol is frowned upon the week before surgery as well. What's a girl to do?!?!
Such drama, I know. Pretty sure these are all "first world problems" (that was for you, KS!) but whatever. In other news, preschool also starts next week! I alternate between being ecstatic about having some free time, to really sad that Simon won't be with me everyday. Don't worry, I'm sure I'll manage... I guess it's more that he's old enough to be going to preschool in the first place. I never really believed people when they told me time flies. Then I had children and time seems to just melt away (at least most of the time - we do have our days when it seems to stand still).
So, yeah, the next time I update the blog I'll be typing as the new me! As long as I'm not too hopped up on pain meds, I'll try to update from my hospital bed. After all, how many games of Candy Crush can I really play (yeah, that addiction needs to be broken stat!)... Wish me luck!
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Goat Rodeo
Life has really gotten crazy around here. I would say crazy good, most of the time, but as we all know, any version of crazy just leaves you exhausted by the end of the day. Let's see, we returned from Virginia last week and Simon was just out of control screaming and crying. He's a fussy, temperamental kid, but this was extreme. I cried uncle on Tuesday afternoon and took him to the doctor. Ear infection, how could I have missed that? Well, maybe because he has been teething for 100 years and it shows no signs of stopping? He pulls at his ears all.the.time. In all seriousness, I did feel bad, because he was obviously miserable. I believe the ear infection stemmed from the cold that I had in Virginia and lovingly spread to my children (it's usually the other way around, right?). Stella managed to catch the same cold and lovely cough that went with it. Is there anything more pathetic than sick children? So, that was my week of fun last week.
Also added into the fun was Murphy, who was limping. She didn't have an event where we saw her injure her foot, but she wasn't getting any better (of course). Naturally, I piled everyone into the car, in the pouring down rain and hauled us all to the vet (because nothing says fun like two toddlers and a crazy puppy at the vet's office. And no, Steve wasn't with me, that would have made WAY too much sense). After nearly having my shoulder dislocated trying to open the office door, we made it back to an exam room. Turns out, Murphy has growing pains. Who knew?!?! Apparently in large breed puppies it's really common to have growing pains. Murphy is 60 pounds and she's only 7 months old. She's gained another 9 pounds since June. Lord help us all... Naturally, she refused to climb back into the car on her own, so I had to lift her up. Let's just say that wasn't pretty.
Over the weekend, Steve and I managed to complete just about all of our household chores. It's alarming and yes, you should alert the media. What the hell is going on with us? I guess I've been feeling domestic lately, maybe I missed my house or something, I don't know. We also had to play musical furniture because our sweet (read: completely insane, insatiable, destructive) lab puppy has consumed ALL (and yes, I do mean all, I'm not being dramatic) of my wicker furniture in our sunroom. Yup, my life is WAY more awesome than your life! I sat down in one of the chairs on Friday evening and almost impaled my arm on the row of nails that were sticking out. Obviously exposed nails and daily sweeping to collect the latest remnants of my furniture are unacceptable, so on Sunday, Steve and I moved it all into the basement. Yes, if you know me at all, I dearly wanted a beautiful sectional I've been drooling over in Pottery Barn for years. You'll also know that Steve laughed really loud when I mentioned it. So, instead we moved up from the basement our faithful old red couches. These poor couches have been to hell and back and they are still the MOST comfortable pieces of furniture we have. The arm and back cushions have long since been consumed by dogs and the red is not as vibrant as it once was, but damnit, those are the most wonderful napping couches that have ever existed. So, long live Big Red!!
I will sum up this goat rodeo (LOVE that phrase, I can apply it to so many different aspects of my life!) by saying that I had an excellent check-up with my oncologist on Friday. My blood work is perfect and they see no need to do scans at this time, YAY!!! Keep on keeping on there. I also had my pre-op appointment with my plastic surgeon. After I signed 4,234 pieces of paper, we reviewed my surgery plan and completed pre-surgery testing. All systems are go!! I'm so excited for August 20th and the first glimpse of the new me!!!!
Also added into the fun was Murphy, who was limping. She didn't have an event where we saw her injure her foot, but she wasn't getting any better (of course). Naturally, I piled everyone into the car, in the pouring down rain and hauled us all to the vet (because nothing says fun like two toddlers and a crazy puppy at the vet's office. And no, Steve wasn't with me, that would have made WAY too much sense). After nearly having my shoulder dislocated trying to open the office door, we made it back to an exam room. Turns out, Murphy has growing pains. Who knew?!?! Apparently in large breed puppies it's really common to have growing pains. Murphy is 60 pounds and she's only 7 months old. She's gained another 9 pounds since June. Lord help us all... Naturally, she refused to climb back into the car on her own, so I had to lift her up. Let's just say that wasn't pretty.
Over the weekend, Steve and I managed to complete just about all of our household chores. It's alarming and yes, you should alert the media. What the hell is going on with us? I guess I've been feeling domestic lately, maybe I missed my house or something, I don't know. We also had to play musical furniture because our sweet (read: completely insane, insatiable, destructive) lab puppy has consumed ALL (and yes, I do mean all, I'm not being dramatic) of my wicker furniture in our sunroom. Yup, my life is WAY more awesome than your life! I sat down in one of the chairs on Friday evening and almost impaled my arm on the row of nails that were sticking out. Obviously exposed nails and daily sweeping to collect the latest remnants of my furniture are unacceptable, so on Sunday, Steve and I moved it all into the basement. Yes, if you know me at all, I dearly wanted a beautiful sectional I've been drooling over in Pottery Barn for years. You'll also know that Steve laughed really loud when I mentioned it. So, instead we moved up from the basement our faithful old red couches. These poor couches have been to hell and back and they are still the MOST comfortable pieces of furniture we have. The arm and back cushions have long since been consumed by dogs and the red is not as vibrant as it once was, but damnit, those are the most wonderful napping couches that have ever existed. So, long live Big Red!!
I will sum up this goat rodeo (LOVE that phrase, I can apply it to so many different aspects of my life!) by saying that I had an excellent check-up with my oncologist on Friday. My blood work is perfect and they see no need to do scans at this time, YAY!!! Keep on keeping on there. I also had my pre-op appointment with my plastic surgeon. After I signed 4,234 pieces of paper, we reviewed my surgery plan and completed pre-surgery testing. All systems are go!! I'm so excited for August 20th and the first glimpse of the new me!!!!
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